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Urgent Water Appeal For Africa

In January 2021, Africa are facing of extreme water shortages in various schools and urban communities due to Water drought, we are launching this urgent appeal for funding so that we could dig Borehole Water Well for supplies clean water in urban communities in Africa. Our main focus for support Sierra Leone, Mali, Liberia, Chad, Cameroon, The Gambia, Senegal, Guinea, Bissau, Somalia, Madagascar, Central African Republic, Togo, Benin and Burkina Faso.

Every 2 minutes a child dies from a water -related disease. A lack of clean safe drinking water is the biggest threats to the life of those living in poverty in Africa. From just (£7,342) can dig Borehole Water Well to most vulnerable community for their basic human right,

In January 2021, Sub Sahel Africa are facing extreme water shortages in various schools and urban communities due to drought, we are launching this urgent appeal for funds so that we could dig Borehole Water wells for supplies clean water for Schools and urban communities in Africa.This appeal is to raise a total amount (£881,040) to dig 120 Borehole water wells for Schools and poor urban communities, for support 600,000 peoples to help the communities to improve resilience against future water droughts.

Access to safe still remains one of the major issues in Sierra Leone, Liberia, Guinea Bissau, The Gambia, Ghana, Senegal, Mali, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Benin, Togo and Burkina Faso.

Although general access to water in urban areas has been improved in recent years, only 3% of the city’s inhabitants have access to safely managed water. Access also depends on geographical location, with wealthier households having improved access compared to socio-economic disadvantaged households. Number 6 of the Sustainable Development Goals aims to ensure availability and improve management of water and sanitation for all by 2030, and the Governments main policy focus lies in improving water access in the countries. However, to reach this Goal the rate by which water access increases has to reach 28% annually and improve the garden’s watering system; moreover, it aligns with government policies and is an important step in achieving the SDG’s.

What does the situation look at GFYA specifically?

Despite having installed a drip irrigation systems and a nearby water supply, it still takes seven gardeners 6 hours to water the kitchen garden each day.

This is because:

The borehole water wells are over 1km away from the garden, and they have to walk it. They have no transport other than their feet and the largest buckets they can manage. The borehole takes 2 hours to refill. This is the only water supply, and it often carries disease with it, ruining the crops. In the dry season the gardeners must do this twice a day- that’s 12 hours of watering!

 We‘re fighting poverty together, your support will change a life of the local community in Africa.