[vc_row][vc_column][ultimate_heading main_heading=”Our Main Objectives:” main_heading_color=”#dd3333″ main_heading_style=”font-weight:bold;” main_heading_font_size=”desktop:28px;” main_heading_line_height=”desktop:48px;” margin_design_tab_text=””][/ultimate_heading][vc_column_text]
- Promote and Empower all category of Youths in Middle East, Asia and Africa
- To provide educational facilities in Sierra Leone through the construction of Schools and distribution of educational learning materials
- Provide humanitarian relief and emergency response all over Africa
- Provide protection, care and maintenance for vulnerable children in Africa
- Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence
- Promote Education and Technical Vocational skills for marginalize people
- Promote environmental protection and sustainability
- Strengthening community health and sanitation driven programmes
- Promote charities to the homeless and orphan children
- Promote good governance, justice and accountability
- To provide clean water and Sanitation Facilities to poor and the needy and affected communities though the construction of standard hand pump and Borehole water wells and hygiene practices to prevention diseases.
- To provide agricultural support for Youth’s and war affected victims through distribution of seed, and tools to farmers at communities’ levels in Africa.
- To provide primary health care delivery services though the distribution of medicines, medical equipment and construction of community health centers at community level in Africa.
- To Organize and support micro credit scheme for women and skilled youth at communities level in Africa.
- Trauma counseling and education on gender based violence at communities level in Africa
- To Organise and establish adult Literacy classes to enhance the awareness of HIV/AID virus infection
- To explore opportunity of skill training on capacity building for the beneficiaries
- To organize games and sport for the youth through the provision of games and sport equipment at the community’s level.
- To Provide of educational support to orphans in need in Africa
- To provide Community development services support to war-affected communities