Mission & Vision

International Islamic Youth League (IIYL)


Building partnership and networking with humanitarian, development agencies and governments to promote positive agenda for young people and provision of protection and programme assistance to the most marginalized and disadvantaged people and people affected with forced displacement and natural disasters.

You Can Help a Lot by Donating for Charity

Our Only Mission is to Fulfill Others Dreams

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Personal Info

To make an offline donation toward this cause, follow these steps:
you can pay with;

Standard Chartered Bank Ghana
87 Independence Avenue
P O Box 768. Accra. Ghana
Swift Code: SCBLGHAC
USD Account no: 87-002-931039-00
GBP Account no: 28-002-931039-00
EURO Account no: 93-002-931039-00
Account name: Int Islamic Youth League

Wise Payment Ltd
6th Floor, The Tea Building, 56
Shoreditch High Street.London
E1 6JJ. United Kingdom
Sort code: 23-14-70
Account Number: 60804885
Account Name: IIYLAYDC
IBAN: GB84 2314 7060 8048 85

Donation Total: $100.00

Help is Our Goal

What Make Us Different

Promote and Empower all category of Youths
Provide humanitarian relief and emergency response
Provide protection, care and maintenance for vulnerable children
Prevention and Response to Gender Based Violence
Promote Education and Technical Vocational skills for marginalize people
Promote environmental protection and sustainability
Strengthening community health and sanitation driven programmes
Promote charities to the homeless and orphan children
Promote good governance, justice and accountability
Promote water, sanitation and hygiene practices to prevention diseases
Our Team

Our Vision

Our vision is to inspire and empower young people initiatives and realization of human potentials to contribute to peace, human security, and development within communities and responding to humanitarian and natural disaster and development paradigm pre and post conflict countries.

Facts About Us

Our Beliefs and Values

Maintain highest standard of professionalism in and outside working environment

Upholding and promoting human rights

Support pro-poor polices at national and global level

Strengthen dialogue and engagement between right holders and duty bearers

Promote gender, Youth development and empowerment

Encourage Youth entrepreneurship, innovation and information technology

Promote transparency and accountability

Join the Fight
Against Extreme Poverty


Our mission focuses on enhancing the lives of refugees, returnees, and internally displaced persons through comprehensive humanitarian services.

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104 Cordelia Drive, Regent
Road Lumley P.O. Box 1240 Freetown

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 © 2025 International Islamic Youth League.